More Smiles for Mom+Dad - GKMS Trinidad


More Smiles for Mom+Dad



Customers receiving a Western Union money transfer in Trinidad & Tobago.

Duration of the Campaign  

The Promotion runs from May 01, 2024 to June 16, 2024.


The ‘More Smiles for Mom+Dad’ Promotion is sponsored by GraceKennedy Money Services (“Sponsor”), Authorized Agent of Western Union in Trinidad and Tobago.


Cash prize valued at TT$1000.

Duration of the Promotion

The Promotion runs from May 01, 2024 to June 16, 2024. (“Promotional Period”)

Start Date of Promotion: May 01, 2024

End Date of Promotion: June 16, 2024

How to Enter

Customers living in Trinidad and Tobago are required to receive a money transfer with Western Union for a chance to be rewarded.

Ten (10) winners will be randomly selected via the GKMS transaction database and will be rewarded with US$200 cash. An additional ten (10) names will be selected as back-up winners.

Customers, 18 years of age or older, located in Trinidad and Tobago are eligible to enter and all qualifying money transfers will be entered into a drawing to win.

All money transfers received through Western Union are “Qualifying Transactions”. Customers with a Qualifying Transaction will be automatically entered in the promotion. Entry forms are not required.

Prize Descriptions

There will be a total of ten (10) prizes.

Prizes include:

TT$1000 cash for each winner.

Prize Draws & Winner Selection

The ‘More Smiles for Mom+Dad’ promotion winners will be selected from all Qualifying Transactions random drawings.

Draw DatePromotion PeriodPrizeWinners
June 03, 2024May 01 to May 31TT$10005 (Mothers)
June 17, 2024June 01 to June 16TT$10005 (Fathers)

Draw Dates: Starts June 03, 2024 and ends June 17, 2024

Please refer to the table below for the draw schedule.

Winners are eligible for one prize only.

Winner Selection

  • Prize winners will be randomly selected from the GKMS database for the ‘More Smiles for Mom+Dad’ promotion.
  • Prize winners will be selected at random from the GKMS database at GraceKennedy Money Services headquarters in the respective territories.
  • Khadija McKnight or Calecia Robinson may oversee the selection process on the draw date via our online conference platform, Microsoft Teams. A link to this platform will be furnished by one of the named persons above on request and the screen share feature will be employed for the NLCB to oversee the process if online oversight is selected.
  • Sponsor will make 3 attempts to contact each winner via telephone within one (1) working day after the draw.
  • If the winner is unreachable, the Sponsor will contact the back-up winners in the order in which they were drawn. If attempts to contact the backup winners are unsuccessful, the prize will be retained by GraceKennedy Money Services.
  • Failure for winners to claim their prize within ten (10) working days after notification will result in the prize being forfeited and a new selection made from the backup winners.

General Rules

  1. Open only to individuals residing in Trinidad and Tobago.
  2. Employees of Sponsor, GraceKennedy Money Services Western Union and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies and their immediate family members (mother, father, and children) are not eligible.
  3. Winner will be required to sign a talent release form upon acceptance of a prize which constitutes permission to the Sponsor and its agencies to use winner’s name and/or likeness for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited by law. Additionally, by the mere fact of participating, winners assign to the Sponsor, free of charge, voluntarily, non-exclusively and with the right to transfer to third parties, in whole and/or in part, all image, audio and/or video rights arising under the Promotion, for editing, reproduction, dissemination and public communication by any means (including social networks and internal communication platforms of the Sponsor).
  4. Winners will forfeit the prize in the event they refuse to sign the talent release form to grant permission to GraceKennedy Money Services and its agencies to use their names and likenesses for advertising purposes.
  5. Winners assume all liability for any injury or damage caused, or claimed to be caused, by participation in this Promotion or Redemption of any Prize.
  6. Neither Sponsor nor Western Union shall be liable in the event that the Winner, for any reason, fails to claim his/her prize. Neither shall be responsible for any accident or injury suffered by the Winner as a result of the Winner’s use of the prize.
  7. Neither Sponsor nor Western Union shall be liable for any damage to the Winner’s or any third party’s property or personal injury arising out of or in connection with this Promotion or the enjoyment of the prize.
  8. Winners will be required to provide banking information to receive cash prizes to their bank accounts. In the event a winner does not have a bank account, a letter can be written to grant permission of payment to a proxy. The letter must bear the signature of the winners’ name and the proxy must be clearly identified.   
  9. All unclaimed prizes will remain the property of GraceKennedy Money Services.
  10. By participating in this Promotion, entrants agree to be bound by the Official Rules.
  11. Prizes are transferrable.

Suspension or Termination

The Sponsor reserves the right to suspend or terminate the promotion temporarily or permanently if irregularities are detected.

Relationship of the Parties

For the avoidance of doubt, participation in this promotion and selection as a winner in the promotion should not be construed as creating any partnership, relationship, joint venture or other association between the Sponsor and the winner. The winner is not an employee of the Sponsor, GraceKennedy Money Services, Western Union, or any of its affiliates.

Applicable Law

The Sponsor reserves the right to initiate the legal actions they deem appropriate in the event of detecting any irregularity in relation to the development of the Promotion established in these regulations. Any relationship generated by virtue of the Promotion between the Participants and the Sponsor shall be governed by the laws of Trinidad and Tobago. For any legal matter that may arise from the conduct of the Promotion, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

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To use the Direct to Bank service you have to be a registered D2B customer – registration is a quick and easy one-time activity that takes place online (for existing GKMS Western Union customers) and in-store for new customers.

There are three (3) Phases in the Direct to Bank (D2B) process:

Phase 1: Customer Registration.

New customers must register in-store at any GKMS Western Union. Existing GKMS Western Union customers can register online: Access the GraceKennedy Money Services website using your computer or mobile phone and fill out the required registration details. The online registration website is

GKMS customers will have the opportunity to enter demographic and banking information supported by pictorial proof that the information presented for verification is valid and current.

After confirming the validity of their email, customers will be able to access the online portal and navigate through the screens entering the relevant information to process their registration.

Customers are required to provide the following:

  1. Basic Info – Name, DOB.
  2. Employment Info– Place of employment and employment particulars i.e. occupation.
  3. Contact info – Current mailing address, Telephone, Cell numbers.
  4.  Primary Identification Info– National ID, Driver’s Permit or Passport.
  5.  Secondary identification Info– customer will provide a second ID type of the three options stated above.
  6. Security Info– Customer required to provide secret questions and answers to secure their account and future transactions.
  7. Document Upload– All the relevant documents required to process the application is uploaded into the system. The documents have to be verified in a separate phase of the process before the customer is able to access the service.

Phase 2: Customer Verification Process

The verification process consists of actions by GKMS to validate the authenticity of the  information provided at the Registration Stage (uploaded documents+ banking information + Demographic information). This involves matching uploaded details against information available in our internal databases as well as external National ID Verification Systems. You will be contacted by one of our team members when this step is completed.

Phase 3: Start using Direct to Bank!

Once you have been successfully registered you can start receiving Western Union money transfers in your bank account. Follow these quick steps:

  1.  Call our Contact Centre at 623-6000 the next time you are expecting a money transfer to initiate the bank transfer. Calls should be placed as soon as funds are available for collection.
  2. Tell the CSR you are registered for Direct to Bank transfers.
  3. Provide the related Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN).
  4. Enjoy the safety & convenience of having funds transferred directly into your bank account.

GKMS Digital Services

Find out more details about our Digital Registration. How to register, FAQs and more.

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